I would (maybe) put cannabis lower down on the list than LSD. LSD, no matter which way you slice it, is a much more powerful drug than pot. If you rate it simply in terms of addictiveness and toxicity, it shouldn't even be on that list, but there's a risk nevertheless.
If you've personally been affected by a death occurring from drug use, then totally I understand why you feel the way you do. It must be a horrible thing to experience, and I pray I never do. I've seen friends go bad on heroin, steal from me, and ruin their lives almost beyond repair. That's one of the scariest things I've ever had to deal with, seeing people slip away like that. It's also incredibly sad.
What people need is to not embrace drugs, or reject them, but they do need to be fairly informed. We're in a better position to do this these days because there's some good information out there, although you need to cross check your references thoroughly. The 'just say no' culture of the recent past hasn't done anybody any good, because within that frame the people who decided to not get involved in drugs knew nothing about them, and they definitely weren't in any kind of position to help those people who were. There has always been a hole in education, filled with a paranoid hysteria about what these 'drugs' are and what they do to people. You can see the history of the campaign to engender this hysterical fear over drugs on YouTube, and some of it is quite funny- (Xaotik posted a link to Reefer Madness, which I'm going to watch in full tonight for my own amusement) but it's nowhere close to the truth of the matter, and that's what's important.
You can read up on drugs, and still be against them. That's your choice. Some drugs I wouldn't really have much of a problem with my friends taking them. Some drugs I am very concerned about. Putting every drug on equal footing is going to distort things greatly, especially if you're definition of a drug is by virtue of its illegality. As a tried to point out above, some of the worst offenders are accepted in society as being completely normal, absolutely part of the culture. That needs to change and luckily I think it is changing.
I might agree with you partially there. Ecstasy can take you out from hyperthermia if you're really really stupid, and combining alcohol with E is generally a bad thing (see above). It's also pretty much confirmed that there's a link between regular E use and short term/immediate memory loss. It's track record is otherwise pretty good though, and the benefits to society (happy people are much nicer to deal with) should be obvious
Probably the reason that cannabis is higher on the list is that it's more likely to end up a regular part of your life, there is a greater chance for addiction, and the link to lung cancer is worrying, especially if you combine with tobacco. The benefits to society are mixed - happier, more relaxed people, but no one can be bothered getting off their arse to go to work. :banana_ra
LSD, is one of the most untoxic drugs you can get your hands on. There is the danger of a bad trip, for sure- but that will usually simply result in not wanting to do acid anymore. Benefits to society include- increased creativity and imagination and a general desire for peace. :hippy:
It's possible that if you're looking into the computer all day, you might need to exercise your long distance vision a bit more. Stare out the window for an extended time, and focus on something like the details of a building in the distance. Should exercise those parts of the eye responsible for long distance vision, which might help clear things up a bit.
Kev, you should just experiment with trying out glasses of friends and other people you know and when/if you actually come across a pair that makes you see better, then you should head on down to the optician.
Cannabis doesn't make it into the top ten, but alcohol and tobacco do. The list looks pretty good to me actually, but I've heard nasty things about GHB from a chemist friend of mine, and was surprised to see it near the bottom of the list.
There's a very good argument for being as informed as possible about all kinds of drugs (not meaning you have to take them), because the law against certain drugs now doesn't reflect the actual potential for damage. Why alcohol and tobacco remain legal (and therefore o.k.) in the minds of some, while people who use cannabis and ecstasy are seen as harmful drug users, needs to be challenged. There are plenty of illegal drugs which aren't even on that list, so the system definitely needs rethinking.
Good point Dan. Our diets these days should be the real concern, on the level at least of any of the scary drugs mentioned above, and probably more so because for a lot of people I imagine bad eating has become normalised to the point of invisibility. You are what you eat, as they say.
Yep, it's a little bit clunky- (example) getting the cardon shafts into place is really fiddly. Apart from some of those small issues though, it's really a fine game. I'd almost say it's been the best game I've played all year.
I don't think you'd call Arto Lindsay a virtuoso, but he is a very interesting musician.
These days he's dropped a lot of the noise stuff for more of a Brazilian sound, there's a wonderful band of his called the Ambitious Lovers- their first album 'Envy' is really fantastic. He was also in the Golden Palominos (again, the first album is great), the Lounge Lizards... hmmm, lots of stuff.
Check out these Youtube vids, gives an idea of how his style has changed over time. I really like the last video here, I've not seen it before tonight myself.